Sharmin Attaran, PhD
Professor of Marketing
Marketing Consultant
Dr. Sharmin Attaran is a Professor of Marketing at Bryant University. She designs and teaches hands-on courses, workshops and certifications in digital marketing and uses innovative teaching techniques to provide students with the skills to be leaders in this dynamic field. She also develops and implements strategic digital marketing plans for non-profit organizations and small to medium-sized businesses to build brand awareness and drive conversions.

Stefanie Boyer, PhD
Professor of Marketing
Sales Consultant
Dr. Stefanie Boyer Professor of Marketing at Bryant University, is the Co-Founder of RNMKRS, a virtual platform for training and assessing sales talent. She is Executive Director of the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition, linking organizations with top talent, and is the recipient of the prestigious American Marketing Association Sales Educator of the Year Award. She brings unique and valuable experience to the classroom and to organizations that want to build their client base.